Yesterday 03-12-08 was Jack's "Half" Birthday! I honestly can't believe our son is 6 months old already! Time is absolutely flying by and I'm loving every minute of it!!
Poor guy, what do we do for his "birthday"???...take him to the dr. for his 6 month check up and he had to get 3 more shots! I felt awful, but he was a champ! He cried of course during the shots, but right after she was done his Daddy picked him up and he was fine! He was a little fussy last night, but nothing Mommy couldn't handle! He weighed 17.3, he's 28 inches long and he is measuring at a 7 month level on his development! So he is going to be smart like his Daddy...thank goodness! :O)
We had to run a few errands today, so Lowe's was on the list...looking for rugs for the house so I put on my "big girl panties" and bit the bullet about him riding around in the shopping cart! I was so scared to do this by myself for some reason. He ususally rides in his car seat in the shopping cart or in his stroller...which both make it impossible to actually shop or buy something. So, his Aunt Cici got him the most adorable shopping cart cover (of course it has pirates all over it!) and once I figured out how to put it in there, he was in! HE ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! It was sooo funny, he had to turn his head all the way around both ways to see what we were looking at next! He talked to every man in there and flirted with 3 different pretty women!! He was a hit! Anyway, I didn't have my camera, but I had my phone camera and I HAD to take a picture!
This one is when we were first in Lowe's...

And this one is when we were done! You can see by the smile and slabbers...he was HAPPY!

so so cute!!!
Thanks Jess...I'm like you with your boys...I think he's the cutest around! :O)
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