We had a great New Year's...well Jack and I were in bed by 12.30 because he was having a rough night, but by the looks of the pictures that were taken at my house, I think everyone else had a great time! My husband tried to "clean up" my computer and erased the program I use to download my pictures, so I am way behind on that...but as soon as I figure out how to fix it (which means running to the Wal-Mart to buy a new compact flash drive thingy) ((don't you love how us southerners put "The" in front of Wal-Mart?)) Anyway, I will post pictures as soon as I can!
Hope you all have made some good, reachable resolutions!!
{These are in random thought order!}
1. Loose 10-15 more pounds...this to me would have been very unreachable before Jack, however this time last year, I was wanting to loose I think 60-70...and ended up loosing 78!! However, I've put on about 7 pounds back and I want it gone!! It's amazing what 3 or 4 pounds does to your body once there has been a baby in there! Things will never be the same, I know that...but they can always be improved!
2. To start exercising!! I know for most people, this isn't a hard one, but for me...it is. Last year on my diet I walked a few times around the neighborhood with Jack in the stroller...and that's it!! I have skin and flab that needs to be tone and not hanging over my jeans!!
3. To be more active in church. We've been doing really good lately by going to my Sister's church. I really enjoy it because one of my best friends husband is their new preacher and I know almost everyone there...and they love my Jack there. He was in his first Christmas play there and he loves to go to the nursery to play. I know Christ is so important in a marriage and I really want Shannon and I to become more involved as a family. I want Jack to grow up knowing "we go to church" and "we enjoy it". I have always been involved and love the feeling I get when I walk out of church. I love the Lord and want it to be apparent in my life!
4. Be a better house wife! I try my best to have a clean house, laundry done, dinner ready or close to being ready and I have struggled here lately. I take pride in our home, but I find myself playing in the floor with Jack when I should be dusting or vacuuming!! I am going to make a routine like I did before and do certain chores each day that way it all doesn't hit me the night before we have company!!
5. Clean out my closets!!! This one is HUGE for me. Really because it not only involves MY room, but Jack's and the 3 extra bedroom closet's I have packed full of things! I have one of the bedrooms upstairs packed full of my business suits when I was in the corporate world...will I ever wear them again as teacher? Doubt it...so I am going to let Mom go through them and then they are outta here. Also this involves drawers...my kitchen drawers are insane. I keep everything.
6. Which leads me to my final resolution...Quit being such a pack rat!!! Things are going to have a new meaning this year...if they haven't been used in the last 3 months (as in worn if appropriate weather) they are gone too. I have kept some of the craziest meaningless things and I need room for all the meaningful things we get all the time with Jack being around!!
7. Last but not least...Laugh, Love and Cherish my Husband and Son. Not that I don't do this now, but I definitely think I could improve on the "lighten up" area of my life. I take things so seriously and am a constant worrier...that will hopefully slow down this year!
That's all I can think of for now. I am dying to not have put a picture in here...
so here is one of my and husband that I have loved going on 10 years this month!! It's amazing how time flies when you're having fun!! I love you buddy! Thanks for being a wonderful husband and father. You are precious to us and we are so thankful for you! This one is from NYE and Drew walked right into the picture and it was perfect, he completely covered my face! It didn't even look like I was in the picture with Shannon! His Sister Megan got the pic I believe, but this is one Mandy got from me giggling at him and Shannon! Which is pretty typical around our house!

The man that loves me for me...even if I fail at all my resolutions...that's what makes him so wonderful!

Friend, YOU CAN DO IT! I am gonna post my resolutions later tonight or tomorrow, but ours are very similar. Looks like the new year was a lot of fun. You all make us miss being in Knoxville!
Happy New Year....great pictures....love seeing the two of you so happy.
Clean out and throw-away...it's liberating and totally unclutters your life! can't take all that stuff with us when we leave anyway!
You have ambitious goals....GO FOR IT!
This is funny because I felt like you had written a biography of ME. I am the worst about wanting things to be in there place and always nice for drop-in visitors but don't want to take the time away from Sophie or I'm just tired! I, too, need to lighten up and not worry so much about everything and everyone! I'm going to try to find the balance between keeping things clean but not freaking out if someone is coming for the weekend and things are perfect. Lindsay does the same thing and we have laughed about this so many times over the years!
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