Thursday, March 12, 2009

My ♥

These two boys have my . {Is this not the sweetest picture ever? Oh I just love it.}
I'm officially on "Spring Break" (Spring Break at almost 30 is NOT the same as it was 10 years ago if you're wondering~)
But while on break, I have to write a children's book and fully illustrate it, make/decorate a book self and do 7 classroom observations. So, as you can is merely a break from class, not from the work.
Plus, Jack Jack and I have lots of plans...we are going to be getting out of the house as much as permitting.
Today, my little boy is A YEAR and A HALF OLD!!
It's hard to believe it's been 18 months since God blessed me with the most amazing child. I'm so lucky and he is so much fun...and I have to add he LOVES his Mommy!! :)
Here are some pictures of the little man eating O-R-E-O's for the 1st time ever!
{Kind of like his 1.5 year old "birthday cake" in the form of 3 cookies!!}
This one is his "I'll stab you with my plastic fork if you take my cookies!" Picture~
I never knew Oreo's could be soo messy~
Showing off is hard work~
If I don't get to post again before the weekend...have a wonderful one!


~Brown's Blessings~ said...

Those stinkin delish cookies sabotaged my diet and lent this week!!!lol.. Thankfully the bag is almost gone. Messy, yes- I always fuss at Ray for giving Cade one outside of his highchair. Happy 1 1/2 little Jackson!!! I though Cade was going to get a bit easier to handle with age, but he just gets to be a little more of a handful each day! AHHHH! Terrible two's here we come!

Mandi Shandi said...

That is a great of your 2 guys. I thought of Shann this weekend when I saw a ton of Harleys out enjoying the weather. I can't believe Jack is 1 1/2. Time flies. About that book you have to do, I can't think of a better person to do it. You were always so artistic and could write so pretty. You should make it about a pirate. Hope you all enjoy the weather and I'll catch you later!

Mary Beth Whitaker said...

Love the pic of your boys! Your sister is still in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted on her.
